Rachel Spencer-Wolff 

Email 1: Hi, I’m Rachel 
Subject: I’m in the 99% 

Hi First Name, 
*Cue the awkward re-entrance into your inbox*
Because HI, I’m back! 
I’m Rachel. I’m an IG story queen who mentors lady bosses to break the rules, scale to $100K+, say ‘f*ck YES’ to a business that feels good, and become innovative leaders. 
My business– it’s at 7-figures and growing. My clients…$3,000,000+ in sales. In here, we talk about money and celebrate cash with BIG ‘I f*cking deserve ALL of this’ energy. 
But let me grab that lamp and shine it on my face for a second. 
I’m not a high-vibe, jet-setting coach. 
I’m a weirdo. Raw. Unfiltered. Goofy. A little messy. 
On my coaching calls, I’m sporting my favorite PJs, apologizing for the blaring NYC sirens, and rocking yesterday’s half-off makeup. 
Because real-talk. The glamor doesn’t matter. To me, at least. If you want it, go GET it. 
But in my world, you get a coach who: 
- Deeply cares about you as a human 
- Becomes a business partner. One that’s gonna give you the TOO real advice you need to see big, f*cking results 
- Goes deep in the Voxer, brainstorming hard with you
- Highlights your strengths and NEVER molds you into some boring, carbon copy of what a CEO should look like
- Finds the gaps and blocks in your biz, then gives you that loving kick of tough love to fill them and amplify EVERYTHING 
That’s me. Let’s talk about you, First Name. Find me on the ‘gram and comment a F*CK YES on any post that makes you feel ‘I want this’ energy. 
CTA → To the ‘gram

Email 2: Newsletter of What’s Going On 
Subject: This world is f*cking thriving 

Hi First Name, 
When I say ‘my world is thriving,’ I don’t mean my ‘gram is popping with pretty pictures and ‘high-vibe’ content. 
I mean results are pouring out of my clients like sexy, money-magnetizing lava. 
Scroll on down to peep the update. 
Header: Confidence SOARED in Nashville 
My 6-Figure Mastermind Retreat just happened in Nashville. I hosted some kickass lady bosses and created a space for them to leap into BIG things that feel soooo good in their business. 
Header: Sold-Out: The July-Jan Round of My Mastermind 
Because when confident women enter a room where MASSIVE money moves are celebrated, and ‘ick’ forced strategies are burned to the ground…multi 6-fig businesses pop up with ease. 
Header: I’m planning for my BRAND NEW group program 
Details coming soon. Let’s just say you’ll want in if you wanna scale to consistent $5K-$8K months before November. New business owners, this one is juicccyyyy. 
Header: $500,000 is LOADING 
A brand new mastermind is popping up this summer for my 6-figure lady bosses who want to see a half-mil in their bank account. 
IG sees it all. Get your booty over there, so you don’t miss a thing. 
CTA → To the ‘gram 

Email 3: Getting Real About Scaling to 6-Figs 
Subject: Here’s what 6-fig scaling *actually* feels like 

Hey First Name, 
6-Figures. It’s a big milestone for A LOT of businesses. 
And it’s one that’s glamorized like crazy. 
I wanna invite you into my NYC living room. Sit on the coach. Take your shoes off and get into a comfy position. Don’t mind the sirens. Yes, I’m probably gonna curse a lot. 
We’re friends now. You’re in my world. 
Most coaches do shiny. Showing themselves in business class, sipping a martini. Me? I invite you into my house, strip off the filter and let you see the weird. 
That’s why I’m going to break down what *actually* happens on your way to 6-figs. 
Sure, there are gonna be milestones, your biggest launch EVER, dream clients pouring in, and HIGH recurring revenue months. 
But you’re also going to face: 
- Pressure to BEAT your last month and constantly strive further 
- Painful client conversations and boundary-setting moments that make your tummy squirm 
- Tears. Like a f*ck-ton of tears, maybe even with your coach. 
- Doubting every move you make 
- Facing old traumas head on and thinking ‘I’m not enough’ 
That’s what I felt. And as your coach, I’m not here to zap those out of you and force you into this ‘high-vibe’ box. Gross! 
Together, we’re going to face those things HEAD-ON, be real with each other and scale your business to MASSIVE cash months that feel so good to hit. 
Because shiny businesses with ‘ick’ strategies are a hard NO from this lady. 
CTA → Partner Up 

Email 4: Value Post 
Subject: Sales isn’t money 

Hey First Name, 
Sales isn’t money. 
Brain twister, right? 
Here’s a simple mindset shift for you. 
It’s the same one that lets me charge what I want, never second guess how I show up, and talk about my launch offer 800,000 times without getting nervous that I’m annoying people. 
Sales aren’t about the money. 
It’s a transfer of confidence.
And I’m SO confident that when you invest in me, you’re not giving up money. You’re investing in yourself to get MORE not less. 
If you EVER think, “I’m being sleazy” or “I’m not giving enough” – I need you to RUN, not walk into my world. 
Your ideal client NEEDS you. 
You’re the queen of *insert your unique magic* and people DESIRE you. 
You are the solution someone has been looking for for SO LONG. 
Why the HELL are you hiding, First Name? 
That kind of energy stops today. 
I’m throwing a brag party for you because you’re f*cking amazing. 
No more questioning it. Got it? 